Want a Healthier Life? It’s All About Habits—Here’s How to Build Them

Josh Scutnik
September 11, 2024
5 min read

Here’s the truth: if you want a healthier, more balanced life, it’s not about some magic formula or waiting for “motivation” to strike. It’s about building habits—those unsexy, repetitive actions that stack up over time and completely transform how you feel, move, and live.

But let’s be real, building habits isn’t always easy. That’s why I’m here to give you the no-BS guide to establishing habits that stick, and why they’re the real key to creating the healthy lifestyle you want.

Step 1: Start Small, Win Big

You know what doesn’t work? Trying to overhaul your entire life in one go. News flash: If you try to change everything overnight, you’ll burn out by Tuesday. Instead, start small. I’m talking tiny habits. Want to work out more? Commit to just 10 minutes a day. Want to eat better? Swap that afternoon candy bar for a piece of fruit. Small wins lead to big changes—trust me, this stuff compounds.

Step 2: Be Consistent (Even When You Don’t Feel Like It)

Motivation is overrated. There, I said it. If you rely on motivation to get stuff done, you’ll never get anywhere. What you really need is consistency. That means showing up even when you’d rather sit on the couch, because that’s when habits are built. Spoiler alert: It’s the days you don’t feel like doing it that matter the most.

Step 3: Make It Too Easy to Fail

Let’s keep it real: You’re not going to start working out at 5 a.m. if you’ve never been a morning person. So, don’t set yourself up for failure by creating a habit that doesn’t fit your life. Instead, make it so easy that it’s almost impossible to fail. Want to start meditating? Try just 2 minutes before bed. Building habits is about building momentum, not perfection.

Step 4: Track Your Wins

Here’s a little secret: we love seeing progress. It’s human nature. So, track your wins—even the tiny ones. Whether you’re ticking off days on a calendar or using an app, there’s something powerful about seeing those streaks add up. It’s like a dopamine hit every time you follow through. And once you start seeing that streak, you won’t want to break it.

Step 5: Give Yourself Some Grace

You’re going to mess up. It’s part of the process. Miss a workout? Ate an entire pizza? Guess what: It happens, and it doesn’t mean you’ve failed. What separates success from failure is not giving up just because you slipped up. Progress, not perfection, is the goal here. Every day is a new chance to get back on track and keep building those habits.

Why Habits Matter for a Healthy Life

Now, let’s talk about why this habit stuff is so damn important. You can’t rely on willpower alone. Willpower is like a muscle—it gets tired. Habits, on the other hand, automate the healthy choices you want to make, so you don’t have to think about it. Eventually, working out, eating better, getting enough sleep, and managing stress become second nature. And that’s when you unlock real, sustainable change.

Habits are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. They help you show up consistently, even on the tough days. And over time? They’re what make the difference between staying stuck and reaching your goals. Plus, once you lock in those habits, everything gets easier—like, a lot easier.

So, if you’re ready to create the healthy life you’ve been after, it’s time to stop waiting for the perfect moment and start building habits that stick. And hey, I’m here if you need a nudge (or a kick in the pants) along the way.

You’ve got this—now go get after it.

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