4 Fun Ways to Get Active with Your Family (And Why It’s Easier Than You Think)

Josh Scutnik
October 3, 2024
5 min read

It’s Saturday morning. You’re staring at the TV while your kids scroll through their phones, and you realize you’ve all been sitting in the same spot for hours. You know you should get everyone moving, but the thought of forcing your family into a workout sounds about as fun as a trip to the dentist. So, what’s the move?

Getting active with your family doesn’t have to be a chore, and it definitely doesn’t have to feel like a punishment. The trick is to make it fun, accessible, and something you can do together. Whether it’s weekend hikes, epic backyard games, or just finding creative ways to move, there are plenty of ways to sneak in some fitness while making memories as a family.

In this post, we’re breaking down 4 simple ways to get active with your family. These ideas will get everyone off the couch and moving — without the complaints. Ready to get started? Let’s go.

1. Turn Your Walk into an Adventure

A family walk sounds like the easy choice, but we know it can get boring fast if you’re just strolling through the neighborhood. So here’s a tip: turn it into an adventure. Whether it’s hiking a local trail, exploring a nearby park, or turning a walk into a scavenger hunt, it’s all about making it feel like an experience instead of just another errand.

You can even take it a step further by adding challenges along the way. Need an example? Pick landmarks on your route (like trees or park benches) and do a quick burst of activity when you reach them. Jump squats, push-ups, or even a quick race between the kids — you get the idea. It’s easy to sneak in a workout when no one realizes they’re doing it.

Pro tip: Bring along a furry friend, if you’ve got one. Walking the dog is always a family favorite that never feels like exercise.

Why it works: It’s simple, easy to fit into any schedule, and low-pressure for the whole family.

2. Family Sports Day (No Professional Skills Required)

Remember when playing catch or kicking a soccer ball around was actually fun? You don’t need to be a pro athlete to have a good time. Family sports day is one of the easiest ways to get everyone moving — and it can be as low-key or as competitive as you want.

Here’s how to pull it off: Pick a few different sports or activities, grab whatever equipment you’ve got (soccer ball, frisbee, basketball), and head to a local park or your own backyard. You can create teams, play one-on-one games, or just see who can throw the ball the farthest. The key is to keep it light and fun, with no pressure to be perfect.

Don’t forget: a little friendly competition can be a great motivator. Winner gets bragging rights or maybe even control of the TV remote for the night.

Why it works: It’s an easy way to disguise exercise as playtime, and everyone gets involved. Plus, it’s a great way to bond and laugh together.

3. Backyard Obstacle Course

If you’ve got some space in the yard (or even a park nearby), building your own obstacle course is a surefire way to get everyone moving and laughing. The best part? You can use whatever you’ve got on hand.

Turn pool noodles into hurdles, set up cones for running drills, use chairs or benches to crawl under or jump over. Get creative with it. Once the course is set up, you can either race each other, take turns, or see who can finish the course the fastest.

Bonus: let the kids help design the course. They’ll love the chance to create their own challenges, and you’ll have a built-in activity that feels more like a game than a workout.

Why it works: It turns exercise into a fun challenge and keeps everyone engaged with different activities. Plus, it’s easy to mix it up so no one gets bored.

4. Weekend Bike Ride

If you’ve got bikes, this one’s a no-brainer. Cycling is one of the best low-impact ways to get moving, and it’s something the whole family can enjoy. Pick a scenic route or a local trail, and make a habit of doing a family bike ride every weekend.

To keep things interesting, switch up the routes, pack a picnic for a mid-ride break, or even set distance goals for the family to work towards together. Cycling is a great way to stay active, explore your area, and spend quality time together outdoors.

Pro tip: If your kids are still learning to ride, don’t sweat it. Start slow with shorter, easier rides, and let them build confidence at their own pace.

Why it works: It’s low-impact, easy on the joints, and perfect for all fitness levels. Plus, it’s a great way to explore the outdoors as a family.

Final Thoughts: Making Fitness a Family Affair

Here’s the thing: getting active with your family doesn’t have to mean dragging everyone to the gym or signing up for boot camp. It’s about finding ways to move that feel natural, fun, and easy to fit into your life. Whether it’s a quick walk, a backyard game, or a weekend bike ride, the most important thing is that you’re doing it together.

Remember, you’re setting the example. When your kids see you having fun while staying active, they’re more likely to develop their own love for movement. And that’s the kind of impact that lasts a lifetime.

So, get out there, get moving, and make fitness a family affair — without the eye rolls.

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