There Are 2 Main Types of People

Josh Scutnik
July 2, 2024
5 min read

There are two main categories of people whoare interested in personal development:

  1. Serial information seekers
  2. Those who apply what they learn

The serial information seekers mean well.They're just so excited to learn that that's all they do. They keep learning.But nothing ever changes because they don't leave that stage and enter theapplication stage.


Those who apply what they learn take thetime after each podcast or book, or course to reflect on their life, and whatthey're doing.. What they're working to improve.


They look at the actionable step given fromthe learning resource and attempt to align them with their current process.


If you are currently a serial informationseeker, don't feel bad! You're already on a better path than most. You justneed a little reminder to come up from air and implement strategies to actuallyattain the ROI.


And that is where habits come into play.


Habits are the tiny things we can do everysingle day that will lead to a goal over time.


Let's look at Suzy to see this in action…


Suzy is a busy mom of 3. She has a currentgoal of losing weight and improving her overall health so she can set theexample for her kids that she never had growing up.


So she is reading as many books as she canget her hands on, and listening to all of the top experts' podcasts and watchestheir YouTube videos. BUT, she is also taking notes as she reads and listensand watches.


“Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, that'ssomething I notice all the time. Oh I definitely deal with that too.”


Notes. Continues listening.


At the end of the day, she reflects back onthese notes and writes down some of the things she can start TOMORROW. Not nextweek. Not when she's done with the book.. Tomorrow.


What she's doing is accumulating goodhabits. She'll experiment with them and keep the ones that work for her, buttoss out the ones that don't.


But Suzy is really smart, she is also onthe lookout for additional tools and resources to help guide her as she setsher foundation.


She has heard us talk about a free guide,in particular, that could really help her build some momentum..


The Top 5 Challenge.


5 simple habits that she completes over thenext 30 days to introduce her to our philosophy. It covers the 5 pillars ofoptimal health- Training, Nutrition, Mindset, Movement, and Habits.


And it is set up so she doesn't have tothink about it. She uses the simple checklist to build her foundation, createsome momentum, and move toward her goals.


Suzy learns. Suzy applies. Suzy improvesher life. She rebuilds her body, health, and confidence.


You can too :)


Continue learning. Start applying.Beautiful changes will happen!


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