Stay Healthy During Cold Season: Superfoods and Supplements That Actually Work

Josh Scutnik
October 8, 2024
5 min read

It’s that time of year again. You know—the time when everyone around you starts sneezing, coughing, and transforming public spaces into germ battlegrounds. As the cold season rolls in, you're left wondering how to avoid becoming a human tissue box.

Here’s the good news: staying healthy isn’t just about luck or constantly bathing in hand sanitizer. The real secret? What you put in your body. Yes, the foods and supplements you consume can seriously crank up your immune system’s defense, helping you dodge colds and flu like a ninja.

So, what should you be eating and supplementing with? Let’s dive in.

Garlic: Nature’s Antibiotic (Raw and Chopped, of Course)

Picture this: You’re chopping garlic for dinner, and you start wondering if this pungent little bulb can do more than ward off vampires. Spoiler alert: It can.

Raw, chopped garlic is one of the best immune boosters out there. When you chop garlic, you release a compound called allicin. Allicin is like a microscopic bodyguard for your immune system, fending off viruses, bacteria, and other nasties that try to take you down.

But here’s the kicker: you’ve gotta eat it raw to get the full benefits. Cooking garlic kills off most of the allicin, so if you’re serious about staying healthy this season, consider adding some raw, chopped garlic to your meals or even tossing it back like a shot. You also want to wait about 10 minutes after chopping it for the full potency of the allicin to take effect. (Pro tip: Chase it with something tasty—garlic breath is real.)

Why does this work? Garlic’s antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties are like an immune system’s dream team. Add a clove or two to your daily routine, and you’ll be a lot harder to take down this cold season.

Manuka Honey: Sweetness with Superpowers

Let’s talk about Manuka honey—not just any honey, but the Rolls-Royce of honeys. Straight from New Zealand, this thick, rich superfood isn’t just a fancy sweetener. It’s loaded with antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, making it a powerful tool for staying healthy.

Manuka honey contains methylglyoxal (MG), which is the compound responsible for its bacteria-fighting abilities. This honey can help soothe a sore throat, fight infections, and even improve gut health. That’s right—your immune system and your gut are BFFs, and keeping your gut healthy can mean fewer colds and quicker recovery times.

Why Manuka and not just regular ol’ honey? While all honey has some benefits, Manuka honey is the real heavy hitter thanks to its high concentration of MG. So, add a spoonful to your tea, drizzle it over your yogurt, or just eat it straight from the jar. Your immune system will thank you.

The Power Combo: Ginger and Turmeric

If you’re looking for a one-two punch to knock out inflammation and support your immune system, look no further than ginger and turmeric. These two spices have been used for centuries in traditional medicine, and there’s a good reason why.

  • Ginger is packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that help fight off infections. It can also soothe nausea and stomach discomfort, which is great if you’re battling those cold season blues.
  • Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that boosts your immune response. But, heads up: you need black pepper with turmeric to help your body absorb the curcumin. So, sprinkle some black pepper with your turmeric for a major immunity upgrade.

Add these spices to soups, smoothies, or your morning tea, and you’ll feel like you’re giving your immune system a warm, cozy blanket to curl up under.

Vitamin C: The Classic Immunity Booster (That’s Actually Legit)

You’ve heard it a million times: Vitamin C is essential for staying healthy. But here’s the thing: it works. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your cells from damage, strengthens your immune system, and can even shorten the duration of colds.

But don’t just rely on supplements—whole food sources are where the magic happens. Load up on oranges, bell peppers, broccoli, and strawberries to hit your daily dose of Vitamin C. Plus, when you’re getting it from food, you’re also getting all the other vitamins, minerals, and fiber that come along for the ride.

Zinc: The Unsung Hero of Immune Health

Zinc doesn’t get the hype it deserves, but it’s crucial for your immune system. Zinc helps your immune cells function properly and plays a key role in fighting off viruses. Studies show that zinc supplements can reduce the length of colds when taken at the first sign of symptoms.

You can get zinc from foods like oysters, red meat, and pumpkin seeds, but during cold season, a zinc supplement might be your best bet. Just don’t overdo it—too much zinc can mess with your body’s ability to absorb other nutrients.

Probiotics: Because Your Gut is the Immune System’s Headquarters

We touched on this earlier, but it’s worth driving home: a healthy gut is the foundation of a strong immune system. Why? Because about 70% of your immune system lives in your gut. Probiotics help balance the good bacteria in your gut, improving your body’s ability to fight off infections.

Load up on probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha. Or, if you’re not into fermented foods (understandable, they’re an acquired taste), take a high-quality probiotic supplement to keep your gut in check.

The Bottom Line: Fuel Your Body with the Right Stuff

Staying healthy during cold season isn’t just about avoiding sick people or washing your hands a thousand times a day (though both help). It’s about arming your body with the right foods and supplements that boost your immune system and keep you feeling your best.

Here’s your game plan:

  • Add raw, chopped garlic to your meals (you’re not here to make friends anyway, right?)
  • Spoon up some Manuka honey—because who said staying healthy can’t be sweet?
  • Spice things up with ginger and turmeric
  • Stock up on Vitamin C and zinc
  • And don’t forget about your gut—probiotics are the real MVPs of your immune system

With this no-nonsense approach, you’ll be ready to tackle cold season head-on—and maybe even avoid it altogether.

Now go crush it. Because you’ve got better things to do than be stuck in bed with a box of tissues.

And as a reminder, the best way to stay healthy, and recover faster when you do get sick, is to be taking care of your health year-round. Learn more about personalized health coaching, tailored to fit your needs, by clicking here!

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