Move Your Way To Better Health

Josh Scutnik
July 2, 2024
5 min read

While perfect data is hard to collectregarding sedentary time, it is widely (and obviously) believed that asignificant portion of the population is very sedentary (does not perform muchif ANY physical activity) outside of work.


Couple that with the fact that about 4/5 ofjobs are predominantly sedentary (sitting at a desk), and it is not hard to seethe second major problem we've covered in as many days (yesterday was diet).


And just like that, we have a perfect stormfor a health epidemic.


We eat poorly. We don't move much. Wereally don't elevate our heart rates much at all. And then we wonder how we gotto the point where most of our population is overweight, suffering withphysical and mental health issues.


Back to movement, specifically- we aren'teven talking about training yet. So this should be an easy fix for us.


What can we do to move more if we ARE stuckin a sedentary job. A desk. An office. Inside..


One simple option is to take a quick lap ortwo around the office every hour. Could literally be less than a minute ifthat's all you can sneak in.


If you get weird looks, those will stopafter they see your productivity and quality of work climb dramatically (yes,that's a thing- our bodies AND minds thrive with more movement).


Take a walk before work. Take a walk afterwork. Take a walk at lunch time. Do what you gotta do. Get those daily steps to7000 minimum.


Simply couple this with eating whole foods,and you will be well on your way to making some serious strides.


Looking good and feeling great are a simpleprocess. You just have to get back to the basics, consistently.

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